# Translation catalogs

Translation catalogs are used within Crystal I18n in order to perform translation resolutions and localizations. Most of the time applications won't need to interact with translation catalogs directly and will use methods such as I18n#t or I18n#l to perform these operations "globally", but this is something that is possible should the need to handle translations separately arises. As a matter of fact, the top-level I18n module makes use of a dedicated translation catalog (instance of I18n::Catalog) to provide common features such as locale activation, translation lookups and localizations.

Catalogs of translations hold all the translations for multiple locales and provide the ability to activate specific locales in order to define in which locales translated strings should be returned. They can be initialized from common attributes such as a default locale, an array of available locales and fallbacks. All these arguments are optional:

catalog = I18n::Catalog.new(
  default_locale: "en",
  available_locales: ["en", "fr", "fr-CA"],
  fallbacks: I18n::Locale::Fallbacks.new(
    {"fr-CA-special": ["fr-CA", "fr", "en"]},
    default: ["en"]

Once initialized it is possible to inject translations into translation catalogs through the use of the #inject method (which accepts a loader instance or a translation hash):

loader = I18n::Loader::YAML.new("config/locales")
  "en" => I18n::TranslationsHash{
    "simple" => "This is a translation",

Once translations have been injected into a given catalog, it is possible to perform locale activations, translation lookups and activations. The methods to use are the same as the ones provided by the I18n module:

catalog.with_locale(:en) do